Kfir – Choose three words that best describe you as a person

Each person has unique characteristics that define who they are. Choose three words that best describe you as a person, and explain how they represent you.

Happy – my teachers always say that it is great to see me in the morning as I always come in with a smile. They say that I create a good vibe around me and that it helps the students I am working with to have a positive attitude towards the task we are working on.

Reader – I started reading when I was in kindergarten, and never stopped since. I love reading. When I wake up in the morning, when I come home from school, when I am sad, or when I am happy – I read. During the quarantine I read over 500 pages every day and this helped me get through this period (My mom says our sofa has the shape of my body as I have been sitting in the same place reading throughout the pandemic).

I read anything that comes through my hands, but nowadays I am mostly interested in sci-fi and fantasy.

Learner – I was always a good student, but as soon as I moved to Helios in 7th grade, I realized I had never actually learned before.

The learning experience at Helios is so engaging. We learn in smaller classes and the teachers pay more attention to me, pushing me to expand on what we are learning in class, applying my knowledge from one subject to another and using it to further investigate topics which are not in the school’s curriculum.