Don't blow your own horns – Introduction

(If you are asking yourself whay are all the punctionation marks, mostly periods at the end of the sentences, are misplaced in the English posts – the answer is: it is time to move to a new posting system – WordPress sucks!)

Kfir is applying to some private high-schools. With-in this horrible (horrible, horrible) process, not only does Kfir has to write a lot of long answers (basically short essays), but his parents have to respond to some questions as well.

I would have hated doing it in Hebrew, so you can imagine how hard it is for me to do it in English

It's not hard to praise Kfir (or any of our kids) , he is a great kid (and I am very objective about it 🙂 ), but it is hard to write it in a way that will show what I think about him, with a high enough language that would overcome the other parents' reviews about their kids…

Well, I am not the right person to use high language. Maybe they'll accept him because   they'll see that even though his mom is not as adducent as others (yes, I did mean adducent and not fluent), he was able to overcome this impediment and became great student…

Anyways, I am so much better in parents interviews. It allows me to show how …passionate I am about him and his capabilities

Anyways, we've spent so much time writing this, I wouldn't want them to the abyss of  oblivion (and maybe we could use them in the future for another kid… This is the only good thing I can say about this process: I have learned a lot, and it will be easier next time).

Oh, that and Mike are the only good things about this process, but Mike is a topic for another post…

So, Here are some of the questions I've answered about Kfir (press the link to open). You don't have to read them all, just know that I bragged a lot…

School #1

School #2

School #3